Article I – Constitution
Article II – Goals
The main objectives of the organization shall include the following:
Article III – Members
Section 1 – Non-discrimination clause
The Vietnamese Student Association does not restrict its membership, programs, or activities on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, and family and genetic information.
Section 2 – Requirements
Section 3 – Members’ Rights
Section 4 - Sexual Misconduct/Violence
The complaint, which may be written with the assistance of the executive board, should provide as much of the following information as possible:
These members will also be subject to the following disciplinary action:
Article IV – Officers
Section 1 – Definition
Section 2 – Officers’ Integrity
Section 3 – Executive Officers
Section 4 – Chairs
1. Cultural Chairs (2) – Cultural coordination
Culture Chairs shall…
Section 5 – Advisors and MAUVSA CORR Representative
1. Advisors (2) – Give advice to officers
Advisors shall…
Article V – Policies
Section 1 – General Voting
1. Among Officers:
a. Any officer may propose a solution or decision and summon a vote among officers by which a simple majority rules.
b. If an officer is not satisfied, he/she may propose an alternative solution and summon a vote among officers, where majority rules.
2. Among Members:
a. Voting policy is decided by the majority of the body present.
b. All officers are considered members and can vote.
Section 2 – Revisions to the Constitution
1. A written proposal that includes reasons why the proposed revision should be made must be presented to all of the officers.
2. A vote shall be made, and 2/3 win is required to propose for ratification among officers.
3. The proposed revision (if approved by the officers) must finally be ratified by 2/3 of the members.
Section 3 – Motion of No-Confidence
1. Any officer or member may put forward a motion of no-confidence on another officer or member by informing the President.
2. The President must then call a special officer/general meeting within two weeks of the notice.
3. In the event that the motion is served upon the President, the Vice President shall assume responsibility to preside over the No-Confidence meeting if the motion is passed
a. At the meeting, the person who put forth the motion and the person whom the motion is served will be given 5 minutes each to speak before the officers and 10 minutes to answer questions.
b. Should the motion be passed, the person whom the motion is served upon has the option to appeal before the general membership in a general meeting to be held within one week of the special officer meeting.
c. The same process outlined in clause iv will be followed before the general membership where a 2/3 majority is required to pass the motion.
Section 4 – Officer Elections
1. Officer elections will be held once a year in late March or early April.
2. Each member/officer will be given one ballot for each officer position.
3. Candidates must be nominated by a member or officer. All candidates must accept their nominations by the deadline set by the President.
4. Candidates running for President must have previously been an officer of VSA at UVa.
5. Candidates running for an officer position must be a paid member for the current year.
6. The order of election for officers will be the following:
a. Executive officer positions will be first in the order of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
b. Board officer positions will be determined based on the number of candidates who have accepted nominations for each position, in order of most contested to least contested. If there are multiple positions with the same number of candidates, the order of the aforementioned positions will be at the President’s discretion. The election order will be determined by the President after the close of a set nomination period, which will be announced.
7. For the election of each Executive officer position (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary), the following rules will be applied:
a. The order of speech will be determined randomly at the election
b. Each candidate shall be given 3 minutes for a speech
c. Following each speech, the candidate will leave for deliberations lasting a maximum of 5 minutes with one motion to extend for 2 minutes allowed
d. Following deliberations, the candidate shall return for questions and answers lasting a maximum of 5 minutes with one motion to extend for 2 minutes allowed
e. Following all candidates’ speeches, personal deliberations and question and answer periods, a final deliberation will ensue for a maximum of 5 minutes with one motion to extend for 2 minutes allowed.
f. Secret ballots will be collected immediately following the final deliberation.
8. For the election of each Board officer position (all chairs), the following rules will be applied:
a. The order of speech will be determined randomly at the election
b. Each candidate shall be given 3 minutes for a speech
c. Following each speech, the candidate will leave for deliberations lasting a maximum of 5 minutes
d. Following deliberations, the candidate shall return for questions and answers lasting a maximum of 5 minutes
e. Following the question and answer period for the last candidate, the voting body will enter a final deliberation for a maximum of 5 minutes with one motion to extend for 2 minutes.
9. A new officer will be determined by a simple majority, defined as more than 50% of the voting body present at the time of the vote.
a. In the case that a simple majority is not reached for any candidates, then an open deliberation with a maximum time of 5 minutes will ensue. A re-vote will follow.
b. For Executive officer positions, a motion for an extension of 2 minutes will be allowed. A re-vote will ensue following the extension.
c. For chair positions, if one candidate gains simple majority but others do not, he/she will be taken out and given the position and a deliberation and re-vote as described above for the remaining candidates will occur.
d. The revote and deliberation process will continue until there is a motion to close. If the motion passes with a simple majority of the voting body present, one more revote will occur. If the candidate does not reach a simple majority on the last revote, the vacant position will be filled with an application process.
10. The results of each position will be announced immediately so that candidates who did not win can run for another position.
11. In the case of an emergency such as a school-wide closure (or we are unable to gather), it is up to the current executive board's discretion and decision on how to move forward with elections.
12. New officers will hold office immediately following the transition meeting.
Section 5 – Advisor Selection
1. A maximum of two advisors will be selected by the new Executive Officers based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria:
a. Level and quality of participation in VSA during the past year
b. Availability in the coming year
c. Experience as a previous VSA officer
Section 6 – MAUVSA CORR Representative Selection
1. A maximum of one CORR Representative will be selected by the new Executive Officers based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria:
a. Level and quality of participation in VSA during the past year
b. Availability in the coming year
c. Most experience with external roles
Section 7 - Vacancies
In the case of vacant officer positions after scheduled elections, selections shall be addressed by the following procedure.
1. After opening an application period, an interview of each candidate shall be conducted by the executive board with a very cohesive analysis of each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses to be presented to the rest of the officer board
2. The entirety of the Officer board will vote upon the candidates and the candidate will be approved with a ⅔ majority.
3. The aforementioned approved candidate shall be presented to the general body at the next general body meeting upon which the standard election procedure will be conducted (refer to Article V Section 4 Officer Elections) a simple majority vote is required for the candidate to be officially voted in.
a. The executive board must announce that there will be an election occurring at the next general meeting as soon as possible to the general body.
b. If no candidate is selected to fill a vacant position, the Executive board shall either:
i. actively search for a new candidate to fill the vacancy upon following the described preceding procedure or:
ii. decide to reallocate the responsibilities and duties of the vacant position to other officers on the board.
Section 8 - Emergency
In the case of an emergency such as a school-wide closure (or any event that causes an inability to gather), it is up to the current executive board's discretion and decision on how to move forward with elections.
Article VI – Property
All items listed in the VSA inventory must be passed on from year to year. Any additional or lost items must be reported to the Treasurer.
- The Constitution of the Vietnamese Student Association will be made accessible to all VSA officers and members.
- A copy of the Constitution must be given to all members at the First General Meeting of each Fall semester.
- Amendments to the Constitution must be made in accordance with Article V, Section 2
Article II – Goals
The main objectives of the organization shall include the following:
- Promote the cultural traditions and awareness of Vietnamese and Asian culture
- Uphold friendship among students by sponsoring social and cultural activities
- Assist both the UVa and Charlottesville communities
Article III – Members
Section 1 – Non-discrimination clause
The Vietnamese Student Association does not restrict its membership, programs, or activities on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, and family and genetic information.
Section 2 – Requirements
- Membership is restricted to UVa faculty, staff, and students.
- Membership may be extended to past UVa students/officers/members if and only
if they have paid the required membership fee for the given year but are either 1)
graduating early or 2) otherwise unable to be fully or partially enrolled throughout the
duration of the paid year. - “Members” will consist of all those who pay the required membership fee, including officers.
- Officers, as listed in @Uva systems and in co-ordinance with official UVa CIO guidelines must be enrolled at the University of Virginia as a student.
- In the case of a student graduating a semester before the end of his/her term, the officer is still expected to fulfill and perform all duties until the end of the term.
Section 3 – Members’ Rights
- Members may propose amendments to the Constitution as described in Article V, Section 2.
- If a member is not satisfied with a particular decision made by the officers, he/she may propose an alternative to the solution and summon a vote at a general meeting as described in Article V, Section 3.
- If a member is not satisfied with the integrity or capability of an officer or member, he/she may put forward a motion of no-confidence as described in Article V, Section 3.
Section 4 - Sexual Misconduct/Violence
- Definition: Harassment and assault that includes but is not limited to: unwelcome sexual advances, verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature, stalking, gender-based violence, unwanted touching, rape or attempted rape.
- Complaints should be submitted as soon as possible after the incident has occurred. Complaints can also be made by all persons who have knowledge of any suspected violations of the sexual misconduct/violence policy. All complaints will be treated with the level of confidentiality as requested by the complainant.
The complaint, which may be written with the assistance of the executive board, should provide as much of the following information as possible:
- The name(s) of the person or persons allegedly committing the harassment.
- Description of the incident(s), including the date(s) and location(s).
- Name of other individuals who might have been subject to the same or similar harassment.
- Any other information that the complainant believes to be relevant or important.
- All allegations will be immediately investigated by the executive board. If a member is found to have violated the sexual misconduct/violence policy, the member will be revoked of their membership from the Vietnamese Student Association.
These members will also be subject to the following disciplinary action:
- Banned from attending any official VSA events.
- Removed from any positions within the organization.
- Removed from any official VSA-associated group chats and social media groups and posts.
- May also be subject to civil damages, criminal penalties, and the University Judiciary Committee
- If the reporting party chooses to share information of the removed member and allegation, VSA will support and aid the distribution of the information to its general body and other participating members of the Asian Leadership Council.
Article IV – Officers
Section 1 – Definition
- “Executive Officers” will consist of four elected officers, namely: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- “Chairs” will consist of those elected officers who are responsible for specific activities.
- All officers are also considered “members” and must pay the required membership fee.
- All officers are expected to support in the execution of other chairs’ events as announced by the Executive officers.
Section 2 – Officers’ Integrity
- No officer shall use VSA property (those items listed in the inventory) for his/her personal benefit.
- No officer shall use VSA money for his/her personal benefit.
- By the beginning of officer transition, a minimum of $1000 must be in the VSA bank and passed on to the new officers.
Section 3 – Executive Officers
- President – External support
- Ensure that the organization operates in conformity with the principles set forth in the Constitution, which shall be reviewed and updated by him/her as necessary
- Preside over general meetings and officers’ meetings
- Establish liaisons between VSA and other organizations, which include but are not limited to:
a. UVa administration
b. Student Council
c. Asian Student Union, Asian Leaders Council
d. Parents and friends of VSA
e. Other VSAs in the area - Oversee all events
- Conduct elections through silent moderation except for the election of President in which
- the Vice President will assume the responsibilities of running elections for that duration
- the President may vocally express his/her opinion concerning the candidates
- Vice President – Internal support
- Act as VSA President in the event that the President cannot perform his/her duty
- Communicate with VSA officers frequently
a. Supervise officers
b. Facilitate communication
c. Approach and address delinquency - Manage and oversee the coordination of projects
- Assist President in planning of agenda.
- Secretary – Administration
- Assist President and Vice President in distributing information to officers
- Act as supporting liaison to members by maintaining the VSA email account
- Provide agendas and minutes of general and officers’ meetings
- Reserve rooms and facilities for functions
- Maintain telephone and email directory for executive/chair use
- Maintain an updated list of alumni and act as a liaison to alumni
- Maintain and update the VSA website
- Treasurer – Financial budgeting
- Work with the Student Activities Fund Appropriations Committee
a. Propose and write budget
b. Present budget to the Committee - Maintain and update all financial records/receipts
- Keep updated record of VSA property (inventory list)
- Apply for grants and find ways to generate funds.
- Solicit and collect membership dues, as well as donations from parents and alumni
- Keep an updated list of paid members
Section 4 – Chairs
1. Cultural Chairs (2) – Cultural coordination
Culture Chairs shall…
- Organize and schedule cultural functions and exhibitions including but not limited to:
a. Culturefest
b. Tet Show - Promote Vietnamese culture and language by gathering and teaching information on culture and tradition
2. Social Chairs (2) – Social events
- Plan and implement social events and activities within the organization
- Plan and coordinate 4th Year Dinner
- Coordinate parties
a. Purchasing necessary supplies
b. Setting up venues
3. Sports Chairs (2) – Sporting activities
- Coordinate sports tournaments
- Organize a Girls and Boys TurkeyBowl Team and oversee practices
- Regulate sports activities by:
a. Renting equipment
b. Signing up for IM sports
c. Reserving courts, fields, and gyms - Promote and advertise for sporting events
4. Service Chairs (2) – Community service
- Search for and coordinate service activities and projects for members to perform to the benefit of the UVa students, Charlottesville community, charitable organizations, etc.
- Plan and coordinate Phofest semi-annually or annually.
- Create fundraising events/activities for the annual Collective Philanthropy Project
5. Membership Chairs (2) – Member involvement
- Recruit members, especially first years
- Encourage member participation by:
a. Working closely with the other officers to coordinate upcoming activities
b. Actively informing members about these upcoming activities - Select Members of the Month
- Fairly allocate members and actively maintain an established family system
6. Public Relations (2) – Publicity
- Design advertisement flyers for VSA events
- Organize and execute means of advertisement for upcoming VSA events.
- Create Facebook events for upcoming VSA events
- Update and maintain VSA’s social media accounts
7. Historians (2) – Maintain historical records
- Keep records of VSA functions via pictures and monthly recaps
- Be responsible for maintaining and/or compiling photography and videography related to VSA
- Be responsible for maintaining and updating VSA’s Youtube account
Section 5 – Advisors and MAUVSA CORR Representative
1. Advisors (2) – Give advice to officers
Advisors shall…
- Actively contribute to ideas/suggestions on board
- Oversee and guide all chairs, focusing on chairs in which they had prior experience
- Provide opinions on the Executive board performance as you see fit
- Provide additional internal support to the Vice President
- Facilitate stronger relationships among officers by planning officer bonding events at least once per semester
2. MAUVSA CORR Representative (1) – MAUVSA representation
- Represent UVa VSA:
a. At all monthly MAUVSA summits
b. At MAUVSA events such as the annual Gala, Conference, and elections - Serve as a liaison between UVa and MAUVSA, and the MAUVSA schools:
a. Update members about MAUVSA news and events
b. Promote MAUVSA events to members
c. Promote UVa VSA’s events to MAUVSA and its schools
Article V – Policies
Section 1 – General Voting
1. Among Officers:
a. Any officer may propose a solution or decision and summon a vote among officers by which a simple majority rules.
b. If an officer is not satisfied, he/she may propose an alternative solution and summon a vote among officers, where majority rules.
2. Among Members:
a. Voting policy is decided by the majority of the body present.
b. All officers are considered members and can vote.
Section 2 – Revisions to the Constitution
1. A written proposal that includes reasons why the proposed revision should be made must be presented to all of the officers.
2. A vote shall be made, and 2/3 win is required to propose for ratification among officers.
3. The proposed revision (if approved by the officers) must finally be ratified by 2/3 of the members.
Section 3 – Motion of No-Confidence
1. Any officer or member may put forward a motion of no-confidence on another officer or member by informing the President.
2. The President must then call a special officer/general meeting within two weeks of the notice.
3. In the event that the motion is served upon the President, the Vice President shall assume responsibility to preside over the No-Confidence meeting if the motion is passed
a. At the meeting, the person who put forth the motion and the person whom the motion is served will be given 5 minutes each to speak before the officers and 10 minutes to answer questions.
b. Should the motion be passed, the person whom the motion is served upon has the option to appeal before the general membership in a general meeting to be held within one week of the special officer meeting.
c. The same process outlined in clause iv will be followed before the general membership where a 2/3 majority is required to pass the motion.
Section 4 – Officer Elections
1. Officer elections will be held once a year in late March or early April.
2. Each member/officer will be given one ballot for each officer position.
3. Candidates must be nominated by a member or officer. All candidates must accept their nominations by the deadline set by the President.
4. Candidates running for President must have previously been an officer of VSA at UVa.
5. Candidates running for an officer position must be a paid member for the current year.
6. The order of election for officers will be the following:
a. Executive officer positions will be first in the order of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
b. Board officer positions will be determined based on the number of candidates who have accepted nominations for each position, in order of most contested to least contested. If there are multiple positions with the same number of candidates, the order of the aforementioned positions will be at the President’s discretion. The election order will be determined by the President after the close of a set nomination period, which will be announced.
7. For the election of each Executive officer position (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary), the following rules will be applied:
a. The order of speech will be determined randomly at the election
b. Each candidate shall be given 3 minutes for a speech
c. Following each speech, the candidate will leave for deliberations lasting a maximum of 5 minutes with one motion to extend for 2 minutes allowed
d. Following deliberations, the candidate shall return for questions and answers lasting a maximum of 5 minutes with one motion to extend for 2 minutes allowed
e. Following all candidates’ speeches, personal deliberations and question and answer periods, a final deliberation will ensue for a maximum of 5 minutes with one motion to extend for 2 minutes allowed.
f. Secret ballots will be collected immediately following the final deliberation.
8. For the election of each Board officer position (all chairs), the following rules will be applied:
a. The order of speech will be determined randomly at the election
b. Each candidate shall be given 3 minutes for a speech
c. Following each speech, the candidate will leave for deliberations lasting a maximum of 5 minutes
d. Following deliberations, the candidate shall return for questions and answers lasting a maximum of 5 minutes
e. Following the question and answer period for the last candidate, the voting body will enter a final deliberation for a maximum of 5 minutes with one motion to extend for 2 minutes.
9. A new officer will be determined by a simple majority, defined as more than 50% of the voting body present at the time of the vote.
a. In the case that a simple majority is not reached for any candidates, then an open deliberation with a maximum time of 5 minutes will ensue. A re-vote will follow.
b. For Executive officer positions, a motion for an extension of 2 minutes will be allowed. A re-vote will ensue following the extension.
c. For chair positions, if one candidate gains simple majority but others do not, he/she will be taken out and given the position and a deliberation and re-vote as described above for the remaining candidates will occur.
d. The revote and deliberation process will continue until there is a motion to close. If the motion passes with a simple majority of the voting body present, one more revote will occur. If the candidate does not reach a simple majority on the last revote, the vacant position will be filled with an application process.
10. The results of each position will be announced immediately so that candidates who did not win can run for another position.
11. In the case of an emergency such as a school-wide closure (or we are unable to gather), it is up to the current executive board's discretion and decision on how to move forward with elections.
12. New officers will hold office immediately following the transition meeting.
Section 5 – Advisor Selection
1. A maximum of two advisors will be selected by the new Executive Officers based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria:
a. Level and quality of participation in VSA during the past year
b. Availability in the coming year
c. Experience as a previous VSA officer
Section 6 – MAUVSA CORR Representative Selection
1. A maximum of one CORR Representative will be selected by the new Executive Officers based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria:
a. Level and quality of participation in VSA during the past year
b. Availability in the coming year
c. Most experience with external roles
Section 7 - Vacancies
In the case of vacant officer positions after scheduled elections, selections shall be addressed by the following procedure.
1. After opening an application period, an interview of each candidate shall be conducted by the executive board with a very cohesive analysis of each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses to be presented to the rest of the officer board
2. The entirety of the Officer board will vote upon the candidates and the candidate will be approved with a ⅔ majority.
3. The aforementioned approved candidate shall be presented to the general body at the next general body meeting upon which the standard election procedure will be conducted (refer to Article V Section 4 Officer Elections) a simple majority vote is required for the candidate to be officially voted in.
a. The executive board must announce that there will be an election occurring at the next general meeting as soon as possible to the general body.
b. If no candidate is selected to fill a vacant position, the Executive board shall either:
i. actively search for a new candidate to fill the vacancy upon following the described preceding procedure or:
ii. decide to reallocate the responsibilities and duties of the vacant position to other officers on the board.
Section 8 - Emergency
In the case of an emergency such as a school-wide closure (or any event that causes an inability to gather), it is up to the current executive board's discretion and decision on how to move forward with elections.
Article VI – Property
All items listed in the VSA inventory must be passed on from year to year. Any additional or lost items must be reported to the Treasurer.